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Eryngium yuccifolium Michx.
Woodson County, Kansas |
Perennial |
Height: 2-3 feet |
Family: Apiaceae - Parsley Family |
Flowering Period: June, July, August, September |
Also Called: | | Rattlesnake master, button eryngo. | Stems: | | Erect, solitary, branching above, glabrous, blue-green waxy, ridged. | Leaves: | | Alternate, simple, rigid, bluish-green, broadly-linear, 4 to 32 inches long, .4 to 1.2 inch wide, parallel-veined, glabrous above and below, clasping; margins with widely-spaced weak bristles; upper leaves progressively smaller. | Inflorescences: | | Dense spherical to egg-shaped heads, each 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter and individually stalked; bracts 5-10, up to 3/5 inch long, spreading ascending, mostly entire, shorter than heads. | Flowers: | | Small, inconspicuous; bracts among flowers, spiny, whitish; sepals 5; petals 5, white; stamens 5; styles 2, threadlike, protruding. | Fruits: | | Dry, oblong, 1/6 to 1/3 inch long, angles with flattened scales. | Habitat: | | Moist meadows, wet or dry prairies, and rocky open woodlands. | Distribution: | | East 1/3 of Kansas. | Uses: | | Native Americans and pioneers used this plant medicinally. An infusion was held in the mouth for toothaches and taken for kidney disorders and neuralgia and a decoction used to prevent whooping cough. An infusion of the root was used as a snakebite remedy and the stem and leaves were chewed for nose-bleeds. | Comments: | | The name yuccifolium comes from "yucca" and Latin "folium" leaf - a leaf like yucca. |
Button snakeroot | | 115 KB | Woodson County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot flowers | | 77 KB | Woodson County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot inflorescence | | 113 KB | Woodson County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot | | 118 KB | Woodson County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot leaves | | 144 KB | Woodson County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot inflorescence | | 58 KB | Cherokee County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot inflorescence | | 62 KB | Cherokee County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot inflorescence | | 42 KB | Cherokee County, Kansas |
| Button snakeroot inflorescence | | 66 KB | Mon-Shon Prairie, Barton County, Missouri |
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