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Tripsacum dactyloides (L. ) L.
Mitchell County, Kansas |
Perennial |
Height: 4-8 feet |
Family: Poaceae - Grass Family |
Flowering Period: June, July, August, September |
Culms: | | Erect or bent abruptly below, solid, glabrous, slightly flattened and purplish at bases. | Blades: | | Flat, 12 to 30 inches long, .25 to 1.25 inch wide, glabrous, midrib prominent; margins rough; tips tapered to long points. | Sheaths: | | Open, shorter than internodes, glabrous or sometimes hairy near ligules. | Ligules: | | Rings of short hairs. | Inflorescences: | | Spike-like branches, 1-4, 6 to 10 inches long. | Spikelets: | | Unisexual; staminate spikelets paired, 1/4 to 1/2 inch long; pairs in 2 rows on 1 side of flattened rachis at terminal ends of branches; pistillate spikelets embedded in lower 1/4 of branches, solitary, pear-shaped, 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, hard, bead-like; awns absent. | Habitat: | | Moist prairies, fertile bottomland, and stream banks. | Distribution: | | Principally east 2/3 of Kansas. | Forage Value: | | It is palatable and very nutritious for livestock. Cattle relish this grass and can eliminate it through overgrazing. Birds and small mammals consume the seeds. | Comments: | | Tufted from thick rhizomes; monoecious (male and female flowers occur at different locations on the same plant). It grows in clumps 1 to 4 feet in diameter. Eastern gamagrass is related to corn (Zea mays L.). |
Eastern gama grass inflorescence | | 72 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass inflorescence | | 58 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass leaf blades | | 53 KB | Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass pistillate spikelets | | 64 KB | Russell County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass staminate spikelets and anthers | | 104 KB | Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass | | 101 KB | Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass | | 148 KB | Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass | | 95 KB | Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas |
| Eastern gama grass inflorescence | | 94 KB | Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas |
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