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Bromus japonicus  Thunb.
Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
Height: 12-30 inches
Family: Poaceae - Grass Family
Flowering Period:   May, June, July
Also Called: Japanese bromegrass, japanese chess.
Culms: Erect or spreading, slender, bent at base; nodes swollen, brownish.
Blades: Flat, 3 to 8 inches long, .1 to .2 inch wide, usually densely hairy with conspicuous gray hairs, midrib prominent.
Sheaths: Densely velvety pubescent.
Ligules: Membranous, tip erose.
Inflorescences: Panicle, open, 3 to 8 inches long, usually drooping to one side when mature; branches of different lengths, in whorls, spreading, often zigzag, each branch bearing 1-5 spikelets at tip.
Spikelets: Flattened, often hairy, .6 to 1 inch long, about .2 inch wide, 6 to 13 flowered; awn prominent, 1/4 to 3/4 inch long, often bent or twisted at maturity.
Habitat: Found in dry or moist waste areas, disturbed sites, fields, or roadsides.
Distribution: Occurs throughout Kansas.
Origin: Introduced from Europe.
Reproduction: Reproduces by seeds.
Forage Value: Can provide good forage value when grazed early in the growing season.
Uses: Prairie chickens are known to consume the seeds.
Comments: A widespread weedy grass that forms colonies.

Japanese brome
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Konza Prairie, Riley County, Kansas
Japanese brome
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Riley County, Kansas